Sweetwater #1 Cares

Sweetwater #1 Cares about Sweetwater County

On May 3, 2022 staff at the Central Administration Building for Sweetwater County School District #1 banded together to put together gift baskets for families students in need. Below is the letter that was shared with the families.

Dear Sweetwater Number One Family,

The gift basket you are receiving contains home goods and products to support your student and family. They are provided to you with warmth, kindness, a spirit of giving to one another, and the value of community service.

Here’s the story behind your gift basket. The Central Administration Building (CAB) Staff voted to use $1,333.33 of their Blue Jean Funds for families. Adding to these efforts, the Sweetwater One Public School Foundation provided an additional $3,500 for gift basket items. Community members and business partners also donated products including: Church and Dwight, That Yogurt Place, Carol Jelaco, Judy Washam, Kelli Ball, Paul and Denice Goldman, Leanne Chesnovar, Lennie Lew, and an anonymous donor.

The Sweetwater One Public School Foundation supports our District students for educational purposes that extend beyond the classroom walls. Kari’s Access Awards provides opportunities for students to participate in outside programs enhancing learning and personal growth beyond their daily school activities. Check out their website at http://www.sweetwater1.org/foundation_homepage. This year, the Foundation graciously provided $3,000 to purchase Chamber of Commerce gift certificates for parents, students, and staff attending the Steered Straight Assemblies to support drug prevention, awareness, and emotional learning. The actions of the Foundation Board model community service and the importance of giving back and gratitude.


Sweetwater One Public School Foundation
Sweetwater One CAB Staff