Community Curriculum Council (CCC)

PURPOSE:  The Community Curriculum Council (CCC) is a representative group of district personnel and community representatives that advises on decisions pertaining to curriculum, instruction, and student learning.  The purpose of the CCC is to oversee the curriculum, instruction, and assessment phases of learning. It is the foundation that each district needs in order to be successful in all other phases. It begins with the creation of curriculum policy which is made up of representatives from various roles across the district.

DUTIES:  Council duties then include such things as creating a long-range plan to see that the work is maintained for years to come; making decisions about teacher implementation requirements, grading, mastery, and assessments; looking at the district mission statement; creating open lines of communication; and integrating appropriate staff development.  The CCC also serves as a sounding board for certified personnel in curriculum and instructional matters, makes recommendations regarding staff development, coordinates accreditation processes, and directs the work of all Subject Area Committees (SAC).