Welcome to the Information Technology Department.


For Technology FAQ, Help, and Support, please visit our support page here:
Technology Support


Please use the links to view information about our department.
If you have any questions or we can be of assistance, please contact us.
We would be glad to assist you.

Welcome to the Information Technology Center.


         Tech Center Staff 


Technology Vision

We will construct a technology enriched
learning environment and community, 
which will innovate and adapt in a rapidly changing world,
thus enabling ALL students to reach their highest potential
as learners, leaders, citizens and family/community members.


Technology Mission
Sweetwater County School District #1 will
use technology to empower students to
become better problem solvers and decision makers
while they integrate vast amounts
of information in an environment promoted by
challenging, student-centered instruction.
All staff members will be empowered to champion technology
and construct an environment that embraces and integrates
technology into every aspect of the learning environment.




Information Technology Information

 Information Technology Information

Staffing Information

Administrators - 35
Certified Staff - 470
Classified - 500 (1/3 Full-time and 2/3 Part-time)

Technology Staff Information

IT Staff - 17
10 building techs
1 Computer Technician (Certified Apple Repair)
1 Systems Specialist
1 Network Specialist
1 SIS Specialist
1 Integration Specialist
1 Mobile Device Management / Building Tech
1 Administrative Assistant
1 Chief Information Officer


  • Over 1000 apps for mobile devices
  • Online curriculum components for Reading, English, Mathematics, Foreign Language, and Social Studies, Science
  • Google Apps for Education
  • Various Educational Software for K-12
  • Help Desk - IT Ticket Management
  • PowerSchool - Student Information System
  • Financial and HR Software
  • Facility Management Software maintenance ticketing system
    CANVAS Learning Management Software


High Schools - 3 (including 1 alternative & 1 Satellite)
Junior High Schools - 1
5-6 Buildings - 2
K-4 Buildings - 5
Pre-K/Head Start/Early Learning Center - 1
Rural Schools - 2 (K-12 and K-8)
Virtual  K-12 School
Transportation, Facilities, Central Administration

Technology Device Information

Staff Help Desk Tickets: 23-24 Coming Soon
Student Help Desk Tickets: 23-24 Coming Soon

Computers - 5500 (iMacs, MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, etc.)
iPads - 4800
Computers - 100 (Dells, HPs, etc.)
Servers - 180 (130 Virtual, 50 Physical)
Network - Robust Fiber Network between in-town sites
Switches - 230
Access Points - 570 
Projectors - 2300
Promethean Board - 200
Newline TV's 200
Document Camera - 410
Audio Enhancements - 300
Apple TV - 50
VR Sets - 18
Wacom Tablets 375



 Information Technology Initiatives: 

The Technology Department started an initiative in the 2018-2019 school year to assign an iPad to every K-3 grade student and a laptop to every 4-6 grade student continuing through this year 22-23. Students are able to use the same piece of equipment throughout the year and are able to bring them home. This effort was driven by a desire for equitable distribution of devices to students throughout the district. Starting 18-19 through this  school year all 7-12th graders will be assigned MacBook Air laptops that will go home with them. As new curriculum has been adopted over the last 5 years, we are seeing more of a shift to online components being required to adequately utilize the curriculum, which led to making sure devices were available across the board. 

 Student Privacy:

 FERPA - Family Education Rights and Privacy Act

FERPA prohibits the school district, and those services that we contractually enter into agreements with, from disclosing personally identifiable information from students’ education records without the consent of a parent or eligible student, unless an exception to FERPA’s general consent rule applies, The general consent exceptions require a school to provide certain privacy protections for those education records that it does maintain, either onsite or offsite.

COPPA - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

COPPA applies to commercial companies and limits their ability to collect personal information from children under 13.  Only for-profit websites can violate COPPA.  A school district cannot violate COPPA because we are not a for-profit website nor do we offer for-profit services.  However, we are cognizant of the requirements of COPPA and how it affects the services we purchase and use.

Content Filtering

Federal laws require the usage of content filters in K-12 institutions, SCSD1 utilizes a few different methods in which to accomplish this task.   

State Regulation

Throughout the 2017-2018 school year, the district’s Policy Committee worked to pass several technology-related policies. The need for these policies stemmed from legislation passed in the 2017(W.S. 21-3-110(a)(xxxv) requiring school districts to implement data privacy and security policies.  Sweetwater County School District #1 Polices that directly relate to student privacy and data security can be found at http://www.sweetwater1.org/groups/4798/information_technology/data_security_policies

To facilitate compliance with the vast amount of cloud based/application based  programs we utilize Education Framework, we run all requested applications through this platform to verify that the requested application is compliant with District Policy, Federal Guidelines & Regulations.

View a list of district-approved software here. 



The tech center is going to be very busy this summer.

Along with resetting  most student devices and getting them ready for the upcoming school year, we will be adding new devices in the mix. 
We will be installing 90 Newline TV's,  and 7 Lu Interactive Projectors in some of our elementaries. 
We will be replacing AP's and Camera's this summer as well in some of our buildings.
Powerschool and Canvas will be rolled over for the upcoming year and we will be supporting the adoption of Beyond the Textbooks.
Westridge will be opening up in the fall and we will be working on the "tech things" to get that ready, too"