Sweetwater County School District #1 Report Card

District Report Card

State and school district report cards are critical tools for promoting accountability for schools, districts, and states. Publication of data on student performance and program effectiveness informs parents, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Report cards help parents and the general public see where schools and districts are succeeding and where there is still work to do. A well-informed public is an important resource in the school and district improvement process. Data can also help parents and other community members work more effectively with educators and school officials to promote school change. 

Sweetwater #1 uses the district report cards to provide information to families about their schools. The report card shares important pieces of data that shed light on how a school and/or our district is doing and where it can improve. This information helps families talk with educators and engage in local activities to support school improvement efforts.

Additionally, the more parents and community members know about the academic achievement of their children and schools, the more likely they are to be involved in the public school system. Equipped with information on academic results and teacher quality, parents and community members can make better decisions and choices. 

This report card has been designed to provide district stakeholders with data to support effective communication, and drive district and school improvement planning. Click on the links provided for additional information. 

For these reasons, states and districts receiving Title I funds must prepare and disseminate annual report cards. Contact the Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment office with any questions 307-352-3400.

Strategic Plan

** The district is working on a new strategic plan.  The draft plan (waiting board approval) is available by clicking here and scrolling down to item #10. **

Vision & Mission


Vision:  As an innovative district, united with our community, we empower and inspire all students to academic excellence in pursuit of their interests and passions.

Mission:  To provide a quality education for all students.







State Accountability System

Under the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA) requirements, schools are rated as Exceeding Expectations (blue), Meeting Expectations (green), Partially Meeting Expectations (yellow) and to Not Meeting Expectations (orange). Sweetwater #1 has two schools rated as "Exceeding Expectations (blue)", seven schools "Meeting Expectations (green)", four schools "Partially Meeting Expectations (yellow)" and four schools "Not Meeting Expectations (orange)." WAEA model includes Mathematics, English Language Arts, & Science; ESSA includes Mathematics & English Language Arts.  The state uses the ratings to meaningfully differentiate public schools.  Wyoming Department of Education via the system of support provides support for "Partially" or "Not Meeting" schools.  The WAEA rating and detailed reports are used by schools to write school improvement plans. In the improvement plans, the schools will set specific goals and write targeted action plans to support an increase student achievement and success for all students. School improvement plans will be submitted to WDE and published on the website on November 1 of each year. 

Under the federal accountability model (ESSA), each school receives one or more of the following identification levels for support: Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI), Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI), and/or Unclassified. A designation of CSI is related to overall performance in Title I schools or a four-year, on-time graduation rate of less than 67% in any school. TSI and ATSI are related to the performance of subgroups. This year, Wyoming schools have been rated as either "Identified" or "Not Identified".  Sweetwater #1 has two schools identified this year under the federal accountability model. Eastside Elementary is identified as TSI for the special education students.  It takes two consecutive years of being "Not Identified" to exit out of ESSA accountability. 

When the 95% requirement is met for all enrolled students, there is no consequence.  All SCSD#1 schools met the 95% participation rate required by WAEA and ESSA accountability models. If any school does not meet the participation requirement, the school will automatically receive a “not proficient” rating. For additional school accountability information, please click on the WAEA Accountability Reports link to the right.  To see the goals and progress towards achieving them, click on the SIP Goal Data to the right. 

Accountability/Academic Indicators

Growth refers to a change in the achievement for students as they progress from year-to year.  Growth is the mean student growth percentile (MGP) in reading and math combined for all students in grades four through eleven as measured from the prior year state assessment to current years state assessment.  Sweetwater #1 has two schools who are exceeding targets in growth and six schools who are meeting growth targets.  Also, there are six schools who are below target in growth. To see growth in all schools, please see the chart below. 

Graduation rates are released to the public every year in January.  The rates are determined by the students who begin with the district in 9th grade and finish in four consecutive years.  Please click on the link below to see Sweetwater #1 graduation data. 

English Learners



Sweetwater County School District #1 is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students. Therefore, a comprehensive Title III program for students who are English learners (EL) has been established and will be maintained to assure their academic and social success.

Program Goal

Sweetwater County School District #1 will meet the needs of English learners by providing appropriate and necessary language instruction to make certain students acquire the language communication skills necessary to meet state and district standards, achieve academically at grade level, and succeed socially in a general education environment.  Title III services are provided in all schools across the district. 

Five percent of our EL students are achieving English language proficiency.

School Quality Indicators

Equity:  An important goal of WAEA is to “minimize achievement gaps”. This goal is addressed by the equity indicator. The equity indicator is designed to encourage schools to do as well as possible with the students who are most at risk. Students with low performance in either math or reading or both math and reading on the prior year state test are assigned to a consolidated subgroup.  The equity score is derived from the results of this group of students.  On the WAEA accountability report, equity is the weighted mean student growth percentile (MGP) with MGP of students who scored in the bottom 25% of students on the prior year test weighted at 80% and the MGP of the remaining students weighted at 20%. Sweetwater #1 has six schools reporting below targets, two schools meeting targets and six schools exceeding targets in the equity category. To see equity in all schools in Sweetwater #1, see the chart below. 

Post-Secondary Readiness:  Post-secondary readiness is the percent of all prior year graduates demonstrating college or career readiness.  It is a lagging indicator which means that the report reflects student results of the prior year.  The college preparatory curriculum is equivalent to the Opportunity success curriculum for the Hathaway Scholarship Program and includes four years of math, four years of science, four years of English, three years of social studies, PLUS two years of foreign language or two years of fine/performing arts or two years of career/technical education. Secondly, the requirement for a college-ready score on standardized college entrance exam is defined as an ACT composite score of 19 or higher.  Finally, eligibility to earn college credits through an Advanced Placement (AP) course is defined as obtaining a score of 3 or higher on an AP exam.  The career ready option includes course-taking evidence (i.e., CTE pathway concentrator and CTE pathway completer), state-approved CTE exam results, and evidence of industry certification.  Both Farson-Eden Hgih school and Rock Springs High School scored below targets in this category.  Schools are working constantly to meet and exceed these targets. 

Student Success Indicators


WAEA Reports:  Growth, Equity, School Quality, College & Career Readiness

ACT:  College & Career Readiness Data





**Spring 2020 testing was postponed due to COVID - 19. Results will be updated once testing and accountability reports resume. **


Goal Progress

School Improvement Planning

All staff in all schools in Sweetwater#1 work together to analyze data, determine possible causes, write SMART goals and action plans to implement in their schools each year.  Improvement plans are living documents and reflect the changing needs of students in each school.  These plans are submitted yearly to Wyoming Department of Education (WDE).  The district hosts several after school meetings with school improvement teams to assist in this process.   Multiple peer feedback opportunities are provided where school teams and district teams review each others plans.  The plans are reviewed and revised many times before they are submitted to the superintendent and school board for approval. School Improvement Plans are reviewed throughout the school year with school improvement teams to monitor progress on goals, make adjustments and alter actions to ensure success.  The superintendent incorporates progress on goals into administrator evaluations.  The administrators are asked to review goals with staff and monitor progress towards meeting the goals and report to the superintendent mid-year and end of year..  Multi-year school improvement plans can be seen by clicking HERE.  School improvement plans are uploaded annually prior to November 1st deadline.





WY-TOPP Student Participation Rates

When the 95% requirement is met for all enrolled students, there is no consequence. When the 95% requirement is not met for all Full Academic Year (FAY) students, the denominator for the school achievement indicator score is increased from actual tests taken by students to the tests with scores needed to meet the 95% participation level. When the 95% requirement is met for FAY students but not met for all enrolled students, the school average indicator category score/weighted average indicator score is decreased by 0.1 points for each 5% below the requirement the participation rate is not met. All schools in Sweetwater #1 met participation requirements for both WAEA state accountability and ESSA federal accountability.   Participation rates for schools can be seen by clicking here. 


Wy-ALT Student Participation Rates

The Wyoming Alternate Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (WY-ALT) was administered for the first time in spring 2015 and will be administered on the computer for the spring 2019 administration. The WY-ALT is aligned to the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards Extensions (WyCPS) and designed to allow students with the most significant cognitive disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills on a supportive assessment system that complies with IDEA. Sweetwater #1 met the participation requirement on the WY-ALT. 



Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Data

Since 1968, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) has conducted the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) to collect data on key education and civil rights issues in our nation's public schools. The collection was formerly administered as the Elementary and Secondary School Survey (E&S Survey).

The CRDC collects a variety of information including student enrollment and educational programs and services, most of which is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. The CRDC is a longstanding and important aspect of the ED Office for Civil Rights (OCR) overall strategy for administering and enforcing the civil rights statutes for which it is responsible. Information collected by the CRDC is also used by other ED offices as well as policymakers and researchers outside of ED.

To access Sweetwater #1 district OCR data, please click here

Teacher Equity Data

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Expenditure Report

ESSA Expenditure Report is a new level of expenditure reporting and requires the development of a single, statewide procedure to calculate and report school-level per-pupil expenditures. This document provides a description of Wyoming’s uniform procedure for calculating per-pupil expenditures, and seeks to provide a reliable basis for comparing school-level expenditure patterns between local schools and other districts.  This information is required to be included in the district report card.