Suicide Prevention
Sweetwater County School District #1 Parent-- Suicide Prevention and Awareness Trainings
January 9, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Sweetwater County School District Number One has clearly articulated a mission of providing a quality education to all students. Through the active participation and communication to and from our stakeholders, District goals and priorities were developed focusing on strong academic success built upon partnerships in a safe and positive climate and culture.
The District has two main goals aligned to our Strategic Plan. The first goal is to increase student achievement by 10% in reading, math, and science. Safety, our second goal, includes continuous training, open communication, and clear protocols. As a District, we recognize the importance of social and emotional health of our students and staff. Together, these goals align our focus on results with the intent to improve student learning for all the students we serve.
The purpose of this letter is to invite you to partner with the District as we continue to strengthen our schools, community, and families in social and emotional safety efforts. The positive relationships students develop with their classmates, teachers, administrators, and other school staff are instrumental in proactively supporting physical, mental, and emotional health. These relationships can help schools play an important role in youth suicide prevention. Suicide prevention is a collaborative effort supporting an issue that has no boundaries and reaches each of us in some way. District staff are trained yearly in suicide prevention, and we will be extending these efforts with our parents and students.
Each school within the District will be hosting separate suicide prevention events for parents and students. The parent events will be held before the student trainings in order to provide parents an opportunity to hear the content your student will be learning and ask questions. We will also have community resources available for families during and after each parent event. The message will be consistent across all District schools but the content will be age appropriate for each grade level. Parents, please feel welcome to attend any school parent event that fits in your schedule.
Please review the chart below for dates and times of the suicide prevention parent events at each school.
Finally, individual schools will be following up with communication specific to their school.
Sweetwater County School District Number One is a place for students, staff, parents, and the community. We’re proud to have your support and collaboration. It is a place for all of us.
Kelly McGovern
Superintendent of Schools
Signs of Suicide (SOS) Training Website
Training Resources
Training Schedules (Trainings held virtually during the 2020-2021 school year
Suicide Prevention Outline and Planning
Parent Suicide Prevention Training Survey Results
Leadership team email on subcommittee work and team work 9-26-19.pdf
Leadership Team email on faculty or staff meeting 10-20-19.pdf
McGovern email to Subcommittee 10-21-19.pdf
McGovern email to Chiefs 10-23-19.pdf
Leadership team email on planning session 12-1-19.pdf