Sweetwater County School District #1 Math Program
K-8 Math Resource
Curriculum Map
SCSD#1 curriculum maps are driven by the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards. The Wyoming State Standards are being revised and prioritized by the Wyoming Department of Education. Currently Math, Science, Computer Science, Physical Education, Health and Safety as well as Fine & Performing Arts are under review. Upon approval from the governors office, teachers will use the new state standards documents to update Sweetwater#1 curriculum maps. Also, teachers will use data from Beyond Textbooks to inform curriculum maps changes. Look for the new maps in the fall of 2024.
After following the Sweetwater#1 policy for adopting resources, the board of trustees has voted unanimously to move forward with adoption the Beyond Textbooks as a resource. Teachers will be using this resource along with any other resource that promotes student growth and achievement. Beyond Textbooks is a resource which provides multiple up-to-date standards based resources including intervention, enrichment, common formative assessments and daily review components. The teachers have consistent pacing guides driven by state assessment data to ensure standards are taught prior to state testing. This resource provides common data points so teacher PLC groups can collaboration and identify next steps for students who have different learning needs.
Eureka Math was adopted by the district in the spring of 2016 as the primary resource to be used to teach Mathematics curriculum in grades K-8.
Eureka connects math to the real world in ways that build student confidence and help students achieve true understanding. The writers of Eureka Math took great care to present mathematics in a logical progression from Pre-K through Grade 12. This coherent approach allows teachers to know what incoming students have already learned and ensures students are prepared for what comes next. When implemented faithfully, Eureka will dramatically reduce gaps in student learning, instill persistence in problem solving, and prepare students to understand advanced math. Eureka Math differs from other texts in that, rather than being an update to existing material, it was designed specifically for the common core.
Eureka Math is structured as both an online and print resource. The online resources provides an interactive digital version of the Pre-K-12 curriculum.
Visit the Eureka Math Parent webpage for tips and info.
9- 12 Math Resource
Curriculum Map
SCSD#1 curriculum maps are driven by the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards. The Wyoming State Standards are being revised and prioritized by the Wyoming Department of Education. Currently Math, Science, Computer Science, Physical Education, Health and Safety as well as Fine & Performing Arts are under review. Upon approval from the governors office, teachers will use the new state standards documents to update Sweetwater#1 curriculum maps. Also, teachers will use data from Beyond Textbooks to inform curriculum maps changes. Look for the new maps in the fall of 2024.
After following the Sweetwater#1 policy for adopting resources, the board of trustees has voted unanimously to move forward with adoption the Beyond Textbooks as a resource. Teachers will be using this resource along with any other resource that promotes student growth and achievement. Beyond Textbooks is a resource which provides multiple up-to-date standards based resources including intervention, enrichment, common formative assessments and daily review components. The teachers have consistent pacing guides driven by state assessment data to ensure standards are taught prior to state testing. This resource provides common data points so teacher PLC groups can collaboration and identify next steps for students who have different learning needs.
Big Ideas Math was adopted by the district in the spring of 2016 as the primary resource to teach Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.
- Big Ideas Math encourages a deeper understanding of mathematics by narrowing the student's focus and providing inductive reasoning opportunities, engaging explorations, concise stepped-out examples, and rich thought-provoking exercises.
- Multiple pathways and delivery methods ensure universal access for all learners. Dynamic Technology supports and enhances this resource. Students are exposed to high motivation and relevant problems at the level of depth and rigor they need through any of the multiple pathways for high school mathematics.
PreCalculus with Limits was adopted by the district in the spring of 2017 as the primary resource to teacher PreCalculus.
- PreCalculus with Limits includes sound explanations and exercises along with a brief review of algebra and geometry. Real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology support give students more learning solutions.
- This is an online and print resource.
Algebra and Trigonometry was adopted by the district in the spring of 2017 as the primary resource for Algebra III and Trigonometry.
- This resource offers explanations and exercises, real-world applications, and innovative technology giving students more learning solutions.
- This is an online and print resource.