School Performance Reports (Elementary)
School Performance Reports (Middle School)
School Performance Reports (High School)
2021-2022 School Performance Reports (SPR)
- Black Butte High School
- Desert Elementary School
- Desert Middle School
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson-Eden Elementary School
- Farson Eden Middle School
- Farson Eden High School
- Northpark Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Rock Springs High School
- Rock Springs Junior High
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
*20-21 WAEA School Performance Reports are not available this year. The website will be updated once the reports are available.
**19-20 WAEA Reports are unavailable due to COVID-19 restrictions on Spring 2020 testing. This website will be updated with new reports when they are available.**
2018-2019 School Performance Reports
- Desert Elementary
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson- Eden Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Overland Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
- Westridge Elementary
- Desert Middle School
- Farson-Eden Middle School
- Rock Springs Junior High
- Black Butte High School
- Farson-Eden High School
- Rock Springs High School
How does Sweetwater #1 use the SPRs?
Sweetwater#1 uses the information from the School Performance Reports (SPRs) to drive school improvement, celebrate success and determine supports needed for student success. School improvement teams meet to determine areas of strength (to celebrate and continue implementation) and areas in need of improvement. The school conducts an in-depth data analysis, determines specific areas to focus on for improvement and SMART goals are set. Action plans are written and implemented by staff. District staff meet with principals and improvement teams to monitor progress and provide support. To see district/school improvement plans click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to the accountability section. For more information on accreditation, please click here.
What is Accountability?
An accountability system provides information about the quality of education received by students to help determine which schools are doing well and which schools are in need of assistance.
Wyoming is held accountable at both the state and federal level. State accountability is defined in the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act (WAEA) of 2013 relating specifically to educational goals in Wyoming. Federal accountability is currently transitioning from No Child Left Behind (NCLB) to a locally controlled Wyoming accountability system that meets federal guidelines, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
For more information about state school accountability see the WDE State School Accountability webpage.
2018 WAEA/ESSA Reports
- Desert Elementary
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson-Eden Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Overland Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
- Westridge Elementary
- Desert Middle School
- Farson-Eden Middle School
- Rock Springs Junior High
- Black Butte High School
- Farson-Eden High School
- Rock Springs High School
2015 WAEA Reports
- Desert Elementary
- Desert Middle School
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson-Eden Elementary
- Farson-Eden High School
- Farson-Eden Middle School
- Lincoln Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Overland Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Rock Springs High School
- Rock Springs Junior High School
- Sage Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
- Westridge Elementary
2016 WAEA Reports
- Desert Elementary
- Desert Middle School
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson-Eden Elementary
- Farson-Eden High School
- Farson-Eden Middle School
- Lincoln Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Overland Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Rock Springs High School
- Rock Springs Junior High
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
- Westridge Elementary
2017 WAEA Reports
- Desert Elementary
- Desert Middle School
- Desert View Elementary
- Eastside Elementary
- Farson-Eden Elementary
- Farson-Eden High School
- Farson-Eden Middle School
- Lincoln Elementary
- Northpark Elementary
- Overland Elementary
- Pilot Butte Elementary
- Rock Springs High School
- Rock Springs Junior High School
- Sage Elementary
- Stagecoach Elementary
- Walnut Elementary
- Westridge Elementary